Origin of Lions Vidya Mandir

(A school to promote education specially for the underprivileged sections of the Society)
Some members of the newly formed club were senior bureaucrats, journalists, educationists, businessmen of repute, naval officers, hoteliers, etc. During that time the area of their vocation, service, profession etc centered around the Luteyns New Delhi which was the seat of the power of the Government of India. The newly formed fraternity soon realized that children living in the area specially those who were living in the outhouses of the big bungalows, and areas around New Delhi did not have adequate facilities for the children to get education and the schools in the area were beyond the reach of ordinary citizens. While moving around the area some of the members of the newly formed club felt the need for a facility to provide education to the children living in the area. They noticed that an elderly lady used to gather a few children and used to teach some children under a tree on a plot of land in a lane behind the bungalows. A gentleman who had migrated from the Punjab during the partition motivated the children to get education here and did help this lady to continue the good work.